Australia has numerous spiders. Many deadly.
CREEPY CRAWLIES PEST CONTOL are specialist who will effectively solve any spider problems that may exist around your home.
The Funnel-Web Spider is one of the world's most deadly spiders.
Danger time - the mature male funnel-web spider will wander around during hot humid nights looking for a mate, and is known to enter homes, footwear, clothing, washing and swimming pools where they can survive several days under water.
It is highly aggressive when disturbed or cornered and is able to inflict multiple bites.
More information on ALL Spiders
As family members we share your concern and worry about Australian Spiders and what to do if something should go terribly wrong. Use this link in the event of any Spider Bite to find the correct method of immediately dealing with a spider bite.
Creepy Crawlis Pest Control have the ideal Spider Control solutions